Showing 13–15 of 15 results
RABE 20+ DOMPERIDONE 30MG (SR) – RANY D combines Rabeprazole (20 mg) with Domperidone (30 mg SR) for effective treatment of acid reflux, GERD, and nausea/vomiting with sustained relief through its extended-release formulation.
RABE20MG(EC)+DOMP10MG(IR)+DOMP20MG(SR) – RANY DSR combines Rabeprazole (20 mg), Domperidone (10 mg IR), and Domperidone (20 mg SR) in a single formulation to effectively treat acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and nausea/vomiting while offering prolonged symptom relief.
RABEPRAOLE SODIUM 20MG+ONDANSTRON 4MG – RANY-O combines Rabeprazole Sodium (20 mg) and Ondansetron (4 mg), offering dual benefits for treating acid reflux and preventing nausea and vomiting. This combination is especially useful for those undergoing treatments like chemotherapy or suffering from acid-related conditions.